Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 47/2019: A Taste for Chemistry

Catalytic synthesis of the the first neutral tetrahedrane that contains carbon and phosphorus atoms in its core

Alloy Nanoparticles for Acidic OER Reactions
Rh-Ir alloy nanoparticles are most active reported oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts under acidic conditions

A Good Traveler Has No Fixed Destination
David Milstein, Weizmann Institute of Science, talks about organometallic catalysis, hydrogen storage, and surprises in research

Equilibrating Equality – The Current Situation of LGBTQ Scientists
Being part of a sexual or gender minority in the sciences

Equilibrating Equality – Twelve LGBTQ Chemists Share Their Experiences
Highlighting chemists who have contributed to the visibility initiative "500 Queer Scientists"

ChemPlusChem Appoints New Editor-in-Chief
Jonathan Faiz named as Editor-in-Chief of ChemPlusChem

Alcohols Used to Replace Hydrogen in Reduction Reactions
Copper-catalyzed transfer semihydrogenation of alkynes with isopropanol

1,2-Benzylboration of Unactivated Alkenes
Nickel-catalyzed diastereoselective reaction turns several classes of alkenes and benzyl chlorides into interesting products

Hydrogen Power with Less Platinum
Waste-reducing approach for the generation of active hydrogen-evolving electrodes