Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 40/2020: Sustainable Processes

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 – Voting Results September 25
Latest results of your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

N2 and O2 Cleavage by a Uranium(III) Complex
Non-innocent ligand and uranium center cooperate to break strong bonds

Photosynthesis Mimicked by MOF
Mixed-metal porphyrinic framework enables gas-phase photoreduction of carbon dioxide

Selenium-Catalyzed C–H-Amination
Regioselective metal-free aminations at the allylic position

Angewandte Chemie 39/2020: Live and Dynamic
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 – Voting Results September 18
Latest results of your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Trans-Cyclooctenes as Chiral Ligands
Rhodium‐catalyzed asymmetric 1,4‐additions of organotin reagents to enones

How Do Zeolite Channels Influence Catalysis?
Effects of channel geometry on reaction intermediates in the methanol-to-hydrocarbons process

World University Rankings 2021
University of Oxford keeps top position in Times Higher Education university ranking