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Guess the Chemist (116)

Angewandte Chemie 32/2021: Dynamic States
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Quasi-Keggin Polyoxometalate for the Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2
Purely inorganic cluster combines reductive Mo-based units and Co-based active centers

Carbon Mineralization in a Porous Liquid
Liquid composite sequesters, stores, and catalytically converts carbon dioxide to calcium carbonate

Iridium-Catalyzed Amide Synthesis
Air- and moisture-stable half-sandwich iridium complexes with β-ketoamino ligands as catalysts

Most Accessed Articles: June 2021
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Angewandte Chemie 30/2021: On Target
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Substrate Promiscuity of Isopentenyl Phosphate Kinases Studied
New homologs reveal class-wide substrate flexibility

Cooperative Anion-π Catalysis
Selective catalysis using chiral molecular cages

How Metal–Organic Framework Topology Affects Singlet Oxygen Production
Pore size and porphyrin distribution play important roles in Zr-based MOFs