Rhenium diphenylamido pincer complex mediates nitrogen splitting and reaction with NO

Electrochemical Synthesis of Nitrous Oxide

Copper Clusters for Selective CO2 Electro-Methanation
Molecular stabilization of sub-nanometer Cu clusters improves reaction

A Promising Green Heterogeneous Photocatalyst
Flavin-inspired covalent organic framework (COF) serves as a selective catalyst

Manganese-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Sclareolide
Improved path to commonly used perfume component

Angewandte Chemie 50/2021: Stimulating Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Hyper‐Thermostable Enzyme for Amino Acid Deracemization
Converting L-amino acids to D‐amino acids

Defects Activate Inert Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Vacancies introduced by cryomilling allow functionalization

Clariant Offers HNO3 Producers Free N2O-Removal Catalyst
Clariant wants to avoid greenhouse gas emissions amounting to several million tons of carbon dioxide

Molybdenum‐Mediated N2‐Splitting
Nitrogen cleavage in the presence of a coordinated alkyne gives a molybdenum nitrido complex

Mechanocatalytic Synthesis of Ammonia
Reaction at room temperature and down to atmospheric pressure