The European multilevel project deals with the entire process of transformation of biomass, from fields to final commercial products

Introducing the EuroBioRef Project

Organizing a European Multilevel Biorefinery Project
Professor F. Dumeignil coordinates the EuroBioRef program supported by a €23m grant from the EU 7th Framework Program (FP7)

Next Generation Biorefineries: EuroBioRef
Large-scale collaborative project for sustainable biomass processing from crops production to final commercial products

Halogen Control for Bromolactonizations
Bifunctional catalyst can generate lactones with new carbon-bromine bonds with high enantioselectivity for natural product synthesis

Alternative to Precious Metal
Crystal of iron-aluminium compound could replace a palladium catalyst, reducing the cost of plastic production

Most Accessed Articles: May 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for May 2012

Fast Track to Latest Research
Early View articles of 170 peer-reviewed chemistry journals — keep yourself easily up-to-date about the latest findings in your field

New Catalytic System for Biodiesel Production
Clean and efficient production of biodiesel and glycerol from soybean and microbial lipids

Blue Light District: Sulfide Photooxidation
A mild photooxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides is achieved with a riboflavin derivative and LED visible light irradiation

Soluble Water-oxidation Electrocatalyst
Water-soluble electrochemical catalyst based on a copper–bipyridine complex that can oxidize water to oxygen