Cobalt catalyst for C–H bond functionalizations could replace more expensive second-row transition-metal complexes

Inexpensive Arylations with Cobalt

2012 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent Results for Wiley and Wiley-VCH in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports

3-Step Reaction Made On 3D Printed Reactor
Inexpensive reactor for a multi-step synthesis and purification with potential to rival other multi-step reactors like micro and millifluidic devices

Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes
New technological roasmap introduced by International Energy Agency (IEA), International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), and DECHEMA

ChemCatChem Appoints a New Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Michael Rowan named Editor-in-Chief of ChemCatChem by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH

Enantioselective Organometallic Enzyme Hybrid (OMEH) Catalysts
Metal-conjugated affinity labels used to selectively position catalytically active metal centers in the binding pocket of proteases

Wearable Electronics
Highly conductive textiles and paper with aluminum

Experiment!: Planning, Implementing and Interpreting
Book said to allow getting new research done that you can publish, quicker and smarter. … it's a clearly written, intelligent guide

New Type of Water Splitting Catalyst
A modified, d0-type tantalum-oxynitride photocatalyst has been used to promote water splitting using only visible light

Spinoza Prize to Bert Weckhuysen
The NWO Spinoza Prize is the highest Dutch award in science