Latest results for the predictions for the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Monday 7 October

Who's Next? 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 4 October
Latest results for the predictions for the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Nontoxic Chalcogenophane Synthesis
Copper(II) salts are used to catalyze the synthesis of four classes of chalcogenophene derivatives

Ei-ichi Negishi on his Research and Life
Nobel Laureate Ei-ichi Negishi shares some secrets of his life and research when visiting Wiley-VCH office

Wonderlab Comic – Mass Spectrometry
Jo learns how to obtain a mass spectrum

Linda Nazar: Developing Materials for Energy Storage And Conversion
Professor Linda Nazar summarizes her research that focuses on developing new materials for energy storage and conversion

Tin and Iridium Catalyze Cyclotrimerizations
Iridium(I) complex is activated by tin(II) chloride to catalyze cyclotrimerization of terminal alkynes

Who's Next? 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 27 September
Latest results for the predictions for the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

University World Ranking 2013
Harvard University, USA, remains the number one in the world and a total of 11 universities entered the Top 500 list this year

Lavoiser Medal Awarded
Professor Henri B. Kagan has been awarded the highest honor of the Chemical Society of France (SCF)