The journals published by the ChemPubSoc Europe societies again received excellent results

2014 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals

2014 Impact Factors of ACES Journals
Excellent results for the journals published by the ACES societies

Large Catalyst Plant in Shanghai
BASF breaks ground on new, world-scale chemical catalysts manufacturing plant in Shanghai

Hajo Freund Receives Catalysis Award
North American Catalysis Society and European Federation of Catalysis Societies honor advances in understanding catalysis

Paul H. Emmett Award for Christophe Copéret
North American Catalysis Society (NACS) honors contributions to fundamental catalysis

The Art of Chemistry (13)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

Angewandte Chemie 25/2015: Selective Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

70th Birthday: Luis Oro
Former EuCheMS president Luis Oro celebrates his 70th birthday

Cascade Synthesis of Fluorinated Tetrahydroquinazolines
Convenient Lewis acid catalyzed synthesis of common drug framework

Trends in Ruthenium Complexes for CO2 Reduction
Ruthenium-bipyridyl complexes evaluated for link between catalytic carbon dioxide reduction and reduction potential