Visible-light- and iridium-catalyzed synthesis

One-Pot Synthesis of Polysubstituted Furans

Albert C. Barnes – Chemist and Art Collector
Barnes Foundation in Pennsylvania, USA, shows impressionist and early modern art and was founded by a chemist

Photo & Video Competition – Final Voting Results
"Chemistry of Love" received the most votes

Photo & Video Competition – Voting Results August 19
Vote for your favorite science moments

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016
Harvard University keeps first rank for the 14th consecutive year

Photo & Video Competition – Voting Results August 12
Vote for your favorite science moments

Ruthenium Catalysts for CO2 Reduction
Series of polypyridyl ruthenium complexes for efficient carbon dioxide reduction

Most Accessed Articles: July 2016
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

60th Birthday: Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern
Process engineering researcher celebrates 60th birthday

Addition of Indolines and Indoles to Carbonyls
Ruthenium- or rhodium-catalyzed Grignard-type additions