Synthesis of pyrroles by dehydrogenative coupling of diols and amines
Cobalt-Catalyzed Pyrrole Synthesis
Angewandte Chemie 46/2016: Gold!
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
One Step to Difluoromethyl Cyclopropanes
First one-step synthesis of difluoromethyl cyclopropanes uses a rhodium(II) catalyst
Your Lifelong Digital Name
Importance and new developments of ORCID
Guess the Chemist (59)
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Chemistry Databases
A collection of useful subject-specific information resources for chemists and other scientists
Three Stereocenters in One Swoop
Highly selective catalytic asymmetric allylboration reactions
Putting on a Benzyl
New Pd-catalyzed C-benzylation reaction
Iron Catalysts Up Close
Organoferrate in iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions
Royal Medal for Sir John Meurig Thomas
Honoring important contributions "to the advancement of natural knowledge"