Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 25/2019: Giving Directions

Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts Can Be Used for Organic Reactions
Cobalt bis-iminopyridines electrocatalyze the reduction of acetonitrile to ethylamine

When Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology Join Forces
Dong Qin, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, explains her research

A Passion for Making Molecular Movies
Bert Weckhuysen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, explains the importance of understanding catalysts

Highly Active Nickel Catalyst for CO2 Hydrogenation
Non-precious transition-metal catalyst can efficiently convert carbon dioxide to formate

Low-Nuclearity Palladium Catalysts
Few-atom metal clusters supported on carbon nitride catalyze different reactions

2019 Wolf Prize in Chemistry
Stephen L. Buchwald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and John F. Hartwig, University of California at Berkeley, both USA, honored

Bioelectrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Stabilizing formate dehydrogenase in a metal-organic framework for carbon dioxide reduction

Angewandte Chemie 23/2019: Alternatives
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Phosphorene Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis
Titanium dimer supported on a black phosphorus layer enables nitrogen reduction at low overpotential