Launched on this day ten years ago in Paris by 16 European chemical societies - Celebrate with us and have the chance to win prizes
Happy Birthday ChemistryViews!
The Best of Ten Years
What you, our readers, liked best and a big thank you to all of you
Selective Alkynylation of Biomolecules
The reaction proceeds on peptides and proteins such as antibodies, and can be used for cysteine proteomic profiling in living cells
Gene Editing Triggered by Light
Control of CRISPR-Cas9 function in vivo using light‐activated guide RNA
Phosphoprotein Recognition with Conical Nanochannels
Detection via electrical readout of nanochannels functionalized with Zn(II) chelate units
Enzyme-Catalyzed Synthesis of Chiral Primary Amines
Fungal reductive aminases used for the reductive amination of ketones
Angewandte Chemie 20/2020: Versatility
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Microbes Can Survive in a Hydrogen Atmosphere
Planets with hydrogen-rich environments might be able to support life
How SARS-CoV-2 Copies Its Genetic Information
Structure of replicating coronavirus polymerase solved
Fairness and Equality in Research
Nicola Gaston, the author of Why Science Is Sexist, talks about why getting equity right from first-principles is so important