Maleimide-constrained HIF-1α peptides are potent inhibitors of the HIF-1α/p300 interaction
Stapled Peptides Inhibit Protein–Protein Interactions
LGBTQ+ in STEM: Visibility and Beyond
How scientists work hand-in-hand with their institutes to promote diversity and inclusivity
Active Biohybrids with Tailored Nanoarchitectures
"Artificial cell" functions as an optical glucose sensor
Large-Scale Synthesis of Horse-Chestnut Leaf-Miner Pheromone
Green iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction gives product for pest control
Metal-Free Route to Imidazole-Substituted Uridine
Modified nucleoside could be useful as molecular probe or antiviral drug
Guess the Molecule
Which molecule is in the picture? - anniversary contest for July
Reverse Transcription Used to Generate Fluorescent DNA
Fluorescent nucleotide analogues incorporated into labeled DNA
Human Antibodies Protect against COVID-19 in Animal Study
Potent neutralizing antibodies found in the blood of recovered patients
Telling Stories of Scientific Pioneers
Sir John Meurig Thomas about his motivation to write about scientific pioneers, success, and the power and beauty of stories
Duilio Arigoni (1928 – 2020)
Swiss chemist known for pioneering studies of enzyme-mediated reactions and biosynthesis passed away