Alternative folding pathway results in protein aggregation and self-assembly into amyloid fibers

Mirror-Image Proteins Used to Study Amyloid Formation

Does Modern Wheat Contain More Gluten?
Environmental conditions have a greater influence on protein composition than breeding

Receptor Glycosylation Could Influence Viral Infection
O-Glycans affect the stability of the immune scavenger protein DC-SIGN
![Oxygen-Stable State of [FeFe] Hydrogenase Studied](
Oxygen-Stable State of [FeFe] Hydrogenase Studied
A sulfur ligand causes oxygen stability

Nursing, Gut Bacteria, and the Immune System – Part 2
What are human milk oligosaccharides (HMO)?

Searching for a Vaccine
Picture describes what happens during vaccination and gives a snapshot of which Covid-19 vaccine candidates are in which clinical phases

Guess the Chemist (104)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Your Chemistry Hero
Who do you admire in chemistry? What makes a hero for you? – anniversary contest for August

Smelling Molecular Conformations
Olfactory receptor recognizes different conformationally restricted octanal analogues

Chemistry Europe Virtual Events
Virtual symposia and talks organized by the editorial offices and board members of Chemistry Europe journals