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Angewandte Chemie 1/2021: Happy New Year
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

New EuChemS President
Floris Rutjes, Radboud University, the Netherlands, has been elected president of EuChemS

New GÖCH President
The Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH) elected Peter Gärtner, TU Wien, as their new president

First Approval for Lab-Grown Meat
The Singapore Food Authority has approved Eat Just's cell-grown chicken, which is grown from stem cells taken from an animal's fat or muscle

Light-Controlled Activation of Gene Expression
CRISPR/dCAS9-based system for the reversible activation of gene expression with blue light

The Contribution of Chemica Chronica in the Time of the Pandemic
The membership magazine of the Association of Greek Chemists (EEX) published many articles on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2

Guess the Chemist – Spices Special (5)
Can you guess the chemist? – The person has something to do with spices in the broadest sense

Sourdough Chemistry
A stable symbiotic culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts used as a leavening agent

Inhibitor in a Tunnel
New method for the development of choline acetyltransferase inhibitors