Researchers have synthesized different colored polyesters simply by changing the ratio of the starting materials

An Array of Colorful Polymers

Nanopores Identify Modified DNA Bases
New solid-state nanopore technique is sensitive enough to distinguish hydroxymethylcytosine from methylcytosine

Biphasic Biodiesel Production System
Oil/ionic liquid system overcomes problems of enzymatic biodiesel production, giving 98 % yields

More Soluble, Less Toxic Cellular Probes
Biocompatibility and water solubility of cellular probes have been improved with iridium complexes with carbohydrates attached

Molecule Cocktail Reprograms Cells
A cocktail of small molecules is able to convert fully differentiated skin cells back into stem cells

Show Me Your Malaria Peptide And I Form Antibodies
Tailor-made vaccines have become more realistic, thanks to a team of European researchers

Micro Test Kit for Cholera
Direct, label-free detection of cholera toxin is now possible thanks to the development of microfluidics analytical device in Italy

Enzyme Adds Probe to Cancer Antibodies
Bacterial transglutaminase enables site-specific addition of various probes to tumor-targeting antibodies for better uptake

Do As Bacteria Exist?
The discovery of bacteria with arsenic-based DNA has been reported, and questioned ...

Fighting Cancer with Soy
Compound found in soybeans identifies and inhibits growth of cancer cells by targeting elevated copper levels