Competitive elution selectively pulls proteins from tissue and avoids false-positives

Elution Teases Proteins from Tissue

Transgenic Pollen Screening
A fast, simple and high-throughput method in which flow cytometry is employed, is able to count 5,000 pollen grains per minute

Phosphatidylserine – Novel Receptor
Phosphatidylserine lipid photoaffinity cross-linking probes synthesized for identification of novel receptors (discovery biology, anti-inflammatory therapeutics, cellular delivery)

High-Throughput Screening for Cellulase
Testing of cellulase-based methods for converting cellulose into glucose may be increased with new screening technique

Changing Bacteria from Warm- to Cold-Loving
Only a limited number of functions required to change the predilection of microorganisms for radically different environments

Analgesia, Less of a Pain
Analgesics without side-effects of conventional painkillers could emerge the discovery of the ion channel responsible for pain

Lipid Microspheres Deliver Toad Venom
Lipid microspheres are promising vehicles for intravenous delivery of bufadienolides from toad venom

Improved High-throughput Screening
Reduces the amount of consumables and the number of pipetting steps as well as comprises four different promoters of varying strength

Next Generation of Dendritic Nanocarriers
Maltose-decorated nanocarriers for next generation dendritic nanocarriers with specific targeting of destined tissue for therapeutic treatments

Ionic Liquids for Biodiesel Production
Characterization of ionic liquid-based biocatalytic two-phase reaction system for production of biodiesel