Special issue of EurJIC looks at some of the recent advances and achievements in the field of hydrogenases research

Hydrogenases – Achievements and Expectations

DNA Robot
Nanoscale robotic arm possible with DNA-based device that can move and lock in eleven distinct positions

Protein for New TB Vaccine
Protein secreted by tuberculosis bacteria is a promising candidate for a new vaccine

Biomarkers for Tuberculosis
Several promising biomarkers to predict who will fall ill from the tuberculosis bacteria have been identified

World TB Day 2011: March 24
World tuberculosis (TB) day commemorates the day the pathogenic bacteria that causes TB was discovered

Harnessing Sunflowers for Drug Production
Sunflower proteins and their processing machinery hijacked to make protein rings – implications for plant-based drug production

Contrast Agent for Tumor Diagnostics
X-rays are not the only way: Phosphorescent metal–organic coordination polymers can also be used in optical imaging

UV and DNA
Base pairing increases the probability that UVA photons are absorbed by DNA and will cause damage in contrast to the effects of UVC

Photobioreactors in Natural Light
Model for natural sunlight photobioreactors shows conditions inside the bulk culture play an important role in productivity

Multitarget Drugs against Prion Diseases
Hybrid lipoic acid derivatives attack prion disease on multiple fronts suggesting possible targets for treatment