An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 15/2011 – Be No Fool, Innovate!

Wonderlab Comic — Fire Alarm
When the fire alarm rings in the Wonderlab – who is the first to safety and who is the cause?

Snapshots of the ACS Meeting
Impressions from the 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition March 27–31, 2011 in Anaheim, California, USA

Interview with Fridolin E. Coli
Fridolin E. Coli, gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, talks about his more than one hundred years of experience in research

General Facts on Radioactivity
General facts on radiation, inhalation, and radioactive isotopes

Thyroid Affects Colour Vision
Thyroid hormone controls the eye‘s visual pigments throughout life

Dendrimersomes: A New Mode of Drug Delivery?
Amphiphilic branched nanostructures self-assemble in water to form packets capable of mimicking biological membranes

Hollywood Chemistry
And the Winner for the Most Accurate Science in a Movie or TV series goes to …

Charles Lathrop Parson Award
Michael E. Strem, president of high purity chemicals maker Strem Chemicals, receives the ACS award for outstanding public service

Recovering Lignin After Pretreatment
Biofuel production processes that separate cellulose from lignin could also generate lignin feedstock from their waste stream