Local unpairing of DNA strands probed by binuclear ruthenium complexes

Unpairing of DNA Probed

MOFs for Biobutanol Separation
Zeolitic imidazolate framework suitable for separation of biobutanol (alternative to petroleum-based chemical) from fermentation broth

Strong Luminescence Exhibiting Quantum Dots
New generation of nanomaterials controls and directs the energy absorbed from light

Cancer Treatment with Gold Nanoparticles
Smart nanoparticles can disrupt the blood supply to cancerous tumors

Sexy Moth
The female sex pheromone of a moth whose caterpillars infest date trees, Batrachedra amydraula, has been identified by Swedish and Israeli scientists

Chemistry Students & Graduates 2011 — Latest Trends From Germany
The GDCh published the 2010 statistics on chemistry students and graduates at Universities and Fachhochschulen in Germany

Glowing Glucose Complexes Reveal Cancers’ ‘Sweet Tooth’
Evaluation of luminescent rhenium(I) complexes with an α-D-glucose as novel biomolecular and cellular probes

2010 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2010 ISI Impact Factors, e.g. new record IF for Angewandte Chemie

150 Years Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo
For 150 years the Department has been maintaining its tradition as one of Japan's leading research institutes in the field of chemistry

Angewandte Chemie 29/2011: Three Arms: Good
Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie