Ulrike Flad is the granddaughter of the founder of the Dr. Flad Institute in Stuttgart, Germany, and will take over its management from her father

Women in Chemistry — Interview with Ulrike Flad

Best in Class!
Study of the structure–activity relationship of steroid sulfatase inhibitors explains why Irosustat is the best in its class

ACS Meeting Denver: R. Zare on China
Richard Zare, Stanford University, USA, discusses his editorial on why the West should help China develop its science

ACS Meeting Denver: Timothy Long on Exciting New Polymers
Timothy Long, VirginiaTech, USA, talks about new charged polymers for biomedical applications

The Future of Chemical Education
Peter Atkins discusses the future of chemical education and the role of the multimedia electronic textbook

Secrets of Ebola Virus Resistance Uncovered
Critical cellular protein that the Ebola virus needs to cause infection and disease identified; it is a promising antiviral target

Wolfram Koch on the GDCh’s Top Event
Wolfram Koch, Executive Director, GDCh, talks about the up-coming Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2011 in Bremen, Germany

Temperature of Individual Cells
Individual cells shown to deviate from 37 °C with areas of high and low temperature which may give clues to their mechanistic roles

Interview with Weifeng Ding
Weifeng Ding, Scientific Editor Chinese Journal of Chemistry, discusses the differences between the Shanghai and Weinheim editorial offices

Nano Testing Gets its Stripes
The humble zebrafish can be used to test the safety of transition metal oxide nanoparticles according to an international team