The Nobel Prize will be announced shortly: readers think that these scientists will win

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Final Voting Results Wednesday 5 October

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Tuesday 4 October
Latest results for the predictions for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Wonderlab Comic — NMR
Gin-Jo discovers what the M in NMR stands for in the latest installment of Wonderlab

Faster Modeling for Better Biocatalysts
New biosynthetic reaction pathways can be assembled, modeled, and optimized faster with new integrated computer model

A Rival for the Haber-Bosch Process
Biological nitrogen fixation catalyzed by nitrogenase could rival the Haber–Bosch process according to US researchers

Sex at Your Fingertips
Pre-natal exposure to different sex steroids affects the ratio of second to fourth digit length, acting as a lifelong indicator of exposure

The Chemist’s Fear of the Fugu — Part 3
Klaus Roth considers the poison tetrodotoxin from the fugu's perspective

Could Dopamine be the Most Evil Chemical in the World?
Two neighboring hydroxy groups on a benzene ring with an amino group just around the corner. Nothing too complicated really. Or is it?

Video Competition
Watch the submitted videos - the IYC Video Competition is now closed

Improved Asthma Drug Delivery
Coated polymer microspheres could improve dry powder formulations and increase the amount of drug delivered to the lungs by asthma inhalers