New calculations explain why vision uses the 11-cis form of the pigment retinal, rather than any of the other possible forms

The Eye of the Beholder

New Drought-Tolerant Crops
RIKEN scientists identified a gene that helps plants to conserve water under drought conditions

Blocking the AChEs and pains of Alzheimer’s Disease
Synthesis of the best human acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors reported – important for treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Fluorescent Nanoparticles: Easy Synthesis In The Microwave
Faster and more eco-friendly synthesis method for nanoparticles promising for biological imaging reported

Affect of Alkyl Chain Length on Tumor Targeting
Affect of coplymer side-chains length might offer general principles for designing imaging probes or drug delivery vehicles

Angewandte Chemie 45/2011: A Variety of Shapes
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Interview with ChemistryViews Author Klaus Roth
Interview with ChemistryViews Author Klaus Roth, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Wonderlab Comic — Power Outage
Wonderlab is undergoing some scheduled maintenance and Sophie is sure she turned everything off

Discovery Will Change Alzheimer Research
Tangled web in Alzheimer's protein deposits consist of at least three different proteins rather than just one

Interview with Kurt Wagemann – Executive Director of DECHEMA
Professor Kurt Wagemann on future changes of chemical engineering, biotechnology, the DECHEMA, and the best parts of his job