The naming of the new elements causes a stir in the Wonderlab

Wonderlab Comic — Fashion Chemistry

Food Packed in Whey
Films coated with whey protein improve barrier effect and sustainability of food packaging

Rallying the Stem Cell Troops
New CXCR4 antagonists found to be as potent as commercial drug in mobilizing stem cells

The IYC 2011 – Overview
Looking back and summarizing the International Year of Chemistry 2011

Nanosensors Replace Animal Experiments
Sensor nanoparticles might reduce the need for animal testing

Boyle’s Law: 350th Anniversary
This year marks the 350th anniversary of the publication of Boyle’s law which describes how the pressure and volume of a gas are related

Women in Chemistry — IYC Interview Series
ChemistryViews introduces interesting women throughout the International Year of Chemistry

A. Teasdale on Genotoxic Impurities in Drugs
Andrew Teasdale, AstraZeneca, talks about his book on genotoxic impurities and what constitutes an acceptable drug risk

Angewandte Author Profiles January
Hansjörg Grützmacher, Aiwen Lei, Nicolai Cramer, and Herbert Mayr are interviewed this month

Fluorescence-Enhanced Detection of Nucleic Acids
Zeolitic imidazolate framework nanoparticles; very effective fluorescent sensing platform for detection of nucleic acid sequences