Simple, inexpensive, continuous-flow synthesis of the to date most effective anti-malaria drug artemisinin

Anti-Malaria Drug Synthesised

Pesto — Mediterranean Biochemistry Part 2
In this last part we take a look at the synthesis of the perfect pesto

Copper Spots Histidine
Simple coordination complex of copper acts as efficient, selective fluorescent sensor for histidine in aqueous solution at neutral pH

Angewandte Chemie 3/2012: The Art of Arrows
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Why Is Alcohol Addicting?
Study reveals that drinking releases brain endorphins and suggests possible approach to treat alcohol abuse

Opening Up The World Of Chemistry
The co-chairmen of ChemistryOpen's Editorial Advisory Board discuss their expectations of this new ChemPubSoc Europe journal

Most Accessed Articles: December 2011
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for December 2011

Electrolyte Layers Stabilize Mushroom Enzyme
Mushroom tyrosinase is stabilized by polyelectrolyte layers, enhancing its selectivity towards bioactive catechols

Uniquely Fluorescent
New class of near-infrared fluorescent molecules can be used in imaging of living animals without damaging tissue

Biological Treatment of Saline Wastewaters
Influence of different chloride salts in industrial wastewater on biological treatment performance investigated