AstraZeneca presents the 2011 award winners (News by AstraZeneca)

AstraZeneca Excellence in Chemistry Awards 2011

A. Brik: Outstanding Young Chemist
Ashraf Brik, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, receives the Outstanding Young Chemist Prize of the Israel Chemical Society

Wonderlab Comic — Solar Energy
Sophie explores the potential of solar energy to save the world and gets the recognition she deserves

Molecular Imprinting
Molecular imprinting in monolayer surfaces – an overview of recent developments

Biofuels from Developing Regions
Niches for the sustainable production and use of biofuels exist especially in developing countries

Angewandte Chemie 6/2012: High Capacity
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Synthesis for Your Nerves
Synthesis of sesquiterpenoid related to neurite outgrowth-promoting natural product could improve understanding of neural networks

Hector Research Award Presented
Professors Hilbert von Löhneysen, Axel Meyer, and Nikolaus Pfanner, receive the Hector Research Award

DNA Damage in Plants
First evidence of multiple DNA lesion formation and accumulation in plants caused by copper oxide nanoparticles

Precision Folds
Zinc-finger proteins act as site-specific adapters for DNA-origami structures