Have you ever found yourself in one of these familiar situations when you tell people you are a chemist?

Wonderlab Comic — I Major in Chemistry

New Biocides Legislation – Interview with Jukka Malm
Jukka Malm, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), talks about the upcoming changes to the biocides legislation

Identifying Specific Cancers Using Molecular Analysis
New method to identify cancer-causing genetic rearrangements quickly, accurately, and inexpensively

Guess the Chemist (4)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Experiences of a Voluntary Scientific Year
Robin Schuchmann, one of 56 students volunteering for one year in labs in Hanover, talks about his experiences and how it impacts his future

The Crisis of the Chemist — Chemists and Their Handicaps
Interview with Erwin Reicher, first ever Professor of Applied Popularity Research, University of Kleinzack, on how to make chemistry popular

Antibody Testing Kit for Winemakers
New sensor allows winemakers to establish whether the grape must contains the right sort of microorganisms before fermentation has begun

Protein NMR Spectroscopy: Principal Techniques and Applications
Book looking how NMR can be applied to study biomolecular properties reviewed by C. Mackereth, Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie

Science Fiction Becoming Science Fact
Making drugs in vivo is still science fiction, but the pre-cursor imaging tools are becoming science fact according to researcher at the at the 243rd ACS National Meeting

Brain Saver
A derivative of the hormone progesterone could be used in emergencies or on the battlefield to treat brain injury