Determining the mass and mass distribution of nanoparticles and viruses just got easier thanks to a novel approach to mass spectrometry

Measuring the Mass of Nanoparticles and Viruses

TB or not TB: Total Synthesis of Transvalencin Z
Total synthesis of the natural product transvalencin Z, a potential starting point for the development of drugs to treat tuberculosis Second Anniversary
Celebrating two exciting and successful years – looking back on what we've achieved and forward to your feedback and a great third year

New Route to Potential Glycosidase Inhibitors
Efficient preparation of 8 of the 16 isomers of inhibitor candidate deoxynojirimycin could help find new diabetes treatments

YouTube Space Lab Competition
Students aged 14 to 18 were asked to send their ideas for experiments to be performed on the International Space Station in a two minute video

Most Accessed Articles: April 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for April 2012

Planned Coincidence for Discovering New Reactions
Antibody-based immunoassay helps in the search for new chemical reactions by screening thousands of reactions at once

Angewandte Chemie 21/2012: One Step Ahead
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

M. Stevens and F. Stellacci Honored
Prize from the European Materials Research Society awarded to Molly Stevens, UK, and Francesco Stellacci, Switzerland

Structure of Spider Silk Proteins
Information on structures allow construction of molecular picture of silk assembly process that might lead to large-scale in vitro fiber formation