Direct atomic force microscopy (AFM) observation of DNA tile crystal growth at the single-molecule level

Fundamental Assumptions for DNA Self-Assembly

Vegetarian Isotopes
Study of trace metals in blood samples from vegetarians and omnivores reveals how gender and diet influence metal's accumulation

DNA as Future Electronic Components
Conducting nanostructures based on metallized DNA have potential for conductive paths and nanotransistors in miniature electronic circuits

G. Malliaras on Organic Electronics at the Interface with Life Sciences
Head of the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL), EMSE, France, on one of the most dramatic technological developments of the past decades

Wonderlab Comic — Lab Visit
Wonderlab plays host to an eager young school student with an unexpected result

Introducing the EuroBioRef Project
The European multilevel project deals with the entire process of transformation of biomass, from fields to final commercial products

Organizing a European Multilevel Biorefinery Project
Professor F. Dumeignil coordinates the EuroBioRef program supported by a €23m grant from the EU 7th Framework Program (FP7)

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Choices
We look at some of the factors that affect separation in a chromatography column to help you make the right choices when setting up a column

Next Generation Biorefineries: EuroBioRef
Large-scale collaborative project for sustainable biomass processing from crops production to final commercial products

Angewandte Chemie 27/2012: Always an Inspiration
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie