Shu-Li You, Oliver Reiser, Ying-Chun Chen, Julius Rebek, Jr., and Holger Braunschweig were interviewed this month

Angewandte Author Profiles August 2012

Protein on the Edge
Lysozyme is detected voltammetrically at the water/ionic liquid interface

Direction Selection
New method for template-directed DNA synthesis in the 3’ and 5’ directions could help explain origin of life

Writing Chemistry Patents and Intellectual Property
Book on how to write chemistry patents is reviewed by S. Manyem and C. Goddard, Fish & Richardson P.C., Boston, USA

Influence of Advancing Ice Melt
Influence of the widespread glacial melting and rapid rise in freshwater inflow on marine algae along the west coast of Greenland

Understanding Biomineralization Systems
Unique composition and architecture of cystoliths, mineralized objects found in the leaves of several plants, discovered

S. Shaik and M. Quack Receive August Wilhelm von Hofmann Gold Medal
Sason Shaik, Israel, and Martin Quack, Switzerland, are awarded the August Wilhelm von Hofmann Gold Medal of the GDCh

Most Accessed Articles: July 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for July 2012

Supramolecular Photochemistry
Book on controlling photochemical processes is reviewed by Alberto Credi, University di Bologna, Italy

Tuning Zinc Affinity Against ß-Lactams
New structural understanding of ß-lactamases’ activity opens doors for generating metallo ß-lactamase inhibitors targeting resistant bacteria