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Nobel Prize Trends
Which country produced the most Nobel Laureates? How old is a typical Laureate? And is it taking longer for discoveries to be recognized?

Wonderlab Comic – UV Lamp
Sophie and Gin-Jo are given a new project to work on in the Wonderlab, which leads to Gin-Jo unraveling the mysteries of the UV lamp

Nanofibers as Axon Surrogates
Polystyrene nanofibers can be used to simulate axons and study how they are wrapped by myelin

Nanomaterials and Chocolate – Interview with Luisa De Cola
Luisa De Cola, ISIS, France, talks about her research on nanomaterials, the increasing role of the internet in teaching, and her love of chocolate

Combining Metal Ions and Ligands to Fight Cancer
Researchers designed dithiocarbamato complexes as anticancer drugs using the metal's cytotoxicity and the ligands' protective effects

Preventing The Breakdown of Heterochromatin
Newly discovered enzymes and transcription factors are important for the stability of heterochromatin

Double-Edged Synthesis
A two-directional total synthesis has been used by US chemists to construct microbial molecules with anticancer properties

Angewandte Chemie 40/2012: Electrics, Electronics, and Ergodicity
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 28 September
Latest results for the predictions for the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry