Dayang Wang, Günter Mayer, and Hiroshi Shinokubo were interviewed

Angewandte Author Profiles October 2012

Hybrid Lighting Device
Bacterial photosynthetic reaction center harvests more light thanks to tailored organic antenna

Fish Poisoning: Ca2+ Channels Matter
Food poisoning from fish causes oversensitivity to mild cold by activating voltage-dependent calcium channels

Infectious Prion Digested by Crows
Prion remains infectious after passage through digestive system of crows

A Viral Scaffold for Magnetic Nanoparticles
Assembling iron oxide nanoparticles on a viral scaffold increases their magnetic resonance contrast potential

Angewandte Chemie 43/2012: From Red to Green
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Enzyme Mimic Oxidizes Methane
Compound modeled on active site of oxidizing enzymes could underpin new catalysts for the conversion of methane

KCS-Wiley Young Chemist Award 2012
The KCS-Wiley Young Chemist Award 2012 has been awarded to In Su Lee and Dal-Hee Min, both Seoul National University, South Korea

Heinrich Wieland Prize 2012 for C. Bertozzi
Carolyn R. Bertozzi, USA, awarded for her bioorthogonal method for changing cellular sugar codes and detecting diseased cells

Introducing the European Young Chemist Network (EYCN)
The EYCN supports chemists as they begin their careers, with activities aimed at developing soft skills and broadening career possibilities