Efficient synthesis of light-triggered circular oligonucleotides

"Caged" Circular Oligonucleotides

Detect Breast Cancer Stem Cells in Vivo
Synthetic ligand that binds breast cancer stem cells (CSC) identified for the first time

Bacteria Breaking Down Lignins
Engineered E. coli break down biomass into important chemicals

Waste from Berries as an Antioxidant Source
Press residues from berry juice production can provide antioxidants for use in foods

Three-State System Based on Branched DNA Hybrids
Synthesis of DNA-based structures that can switch between water-soluble, gel, and solid-state forms

March for Science 2018 in Germany
Under the motto "Science Bridges Cultures", five scientific-mathematical societies call upon their members to take part in the march

Activation of Platinum and Ruthenium Anticancer Prodrugs
Flavins act as selective photocatalysts that can activate metal complexes for use as anticancer prodrugs

Creating Organisms That Depend on Artificial Amino Acids
Replacing key residues in enzymes makes bacteria dependent on artificial amino acids

Targeting Histone Demethylation
Specific lysine residue has important role in enzyme-catalysed histone demethylation

2017 Murray Goodman Memorial Prize
William. F. DeGrado honored for contributions to the design of peptides, proteins, and pharmaceutically active small molecules