Evaluation of upconversion cross‐correlation spectroscopy using a sandwich immunoassay

Background-Free Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy

Bioactivity of Artemisinin Derivatives
Artemisinin-derived dimers, trimers, and dendrimers studied for their antimalarial/antiviral activity

Angewandte Chemie 28/2018: The Value of Truth
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Blocking Cell-to-Cell Signaling to Kill Bacteria
Structural transitions change the shape of a binding pocket of an enzyme; finding can be used to develop specific path blockers

Illuminating Biochemistry with Cellular Optogenetics
On the precipice of a signaling renaissance

Progress in the Austrian Young Chemists Network
Organization has expanded from seven founding members to a nationwide network

Guess the Chemist (79)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Parasitic Self-Replicating Molecular Systems
Self-assembly chemistry of synthetic molecules as a model for de novo synthesis of life

Photo Competition – Colorful Chemistry
Vote which picture should win a prize

Clearer Picture of Heparin–Protein Interactions
Oligosaccharide with an alternative antithrombin binding sequence found