Biocatalytic materials for the green production of value-added chemicals

Sustainable Chemistry with Enzyme Gels

Fungus Enzyme Catalyzes Unexpected Side Reactions
Substrate specificity and catalytic promiscuity of Aspergillus oryzae catechol oxidase

Angewandte Chemie 50/2018: Happy Landings
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

KNCV Gold Medal 2018
Pascal Jonkheijm, University of Twente, The Netherlands, honored

Problem-Oriented Learning with Activated Students
Volker C. Hass developed a training simulator allowing to play through the entire process of producing biotechnological products

The Molecular Marvels of Captain America
The hypothetical (bio-)chemistry behind the transformation of a frail soldier into a comic book superhero

Like Ultrafast Adhesive Tape: The Frog's Sticky Tongue
Fibril-forming mucus acts as a pressure sensitive adhesive

Guess the Chemist (84)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Natural Product Could Bypass Antibiotic Resistance
Synthesis of Xanthoangelol B, which could inhibit a virulence factor of Staphylococcus aureus

The Secret Contamination of Polar Bears
Hundreds of unrecognized halogenated contaminants discovered in polar bear serum