Lightweight, handy magnets could allow high-resolution NMR spectroscopy to develop into a portable analytical technique.

Small But Super

Chemical Records
Browse the latest status of chemical world records or register a record yourself!

GDCh Prize Nominations Open
Who has made a significant contribution to chemistry? The call for tenders for the 2011 GDCh prizes is now open.

Art Seals Reveal Their Secrets
A new type of MS imaging using low-temperature plasma probe unveils the truth behind Chinese calligraphy.

Frontiers of Chemistry Pictures
ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH celebrated in Paris at the Frontiers of Chemistry Symposium

Amperometry Put to Test
Amperometry at carbon fiber electrodes, a method commonly used to detect molecules released by single living cells, may lead to biased results.

The Future Builds on the Past
New online platform, brought to you by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH!

What's Lurking in the Mississippi?
Dioxins in general are shown to be decreasing, those derived from triclosan are increasing in Mississippi sediments.

Competence in Food – Now and Then
Markus Fischer reflects the 19th century conviction that science would make life easier and more secure

Future Visions of Chemistry: Jan Reedijk
Interview with Jan Reedijk, Leiden University, The Netherlands: "Be creative, do not follow fashionable science, and think independently in a creative way."