Ananlysis of surface samples of city monuments could allow heavy metal levels to be monitored.

Monumental Analysis

What're You Drinking?
The isotopic ratio of atoms from water and beverages is locked into your hair and could be used as a chemical tracking system.

Israel Journal of Chemistry
The first issue of the re-launched Israel Journal of Chemistry celebrates the structure, function and inactivation of ribosome.

Espresso – A Feast for the Senses
Klaus Roth concludes his look at espresso with a scrutinizing glance at the foamy, consolidated surface layer, the crema

Science at the End of the Universe
The creator of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was not just a comic writer but a lover of science – from quantum physics to evolution.

Factors Behind the Impact
With new impact factors being announced, ChemViews takes a look at their calculation, controversy and usage.

Future Visions of Chemistry: Koop Lammertsma
"Gone is gone. There are no alternatives." - Interview with Koop Lammertsma, VU University, the Netherlands.

Future Visions of Chemistry: Ben Davis
"It puzzles me why some chemists do not see chemistry as the big science." - Interview with Ben Daivis, University of Oxford, UK

Water Off a Duck's Back
Switches between superhydrophobicity to superhydrophilic with pH could have important applications in medical applications.

Fried Green Tomatoes
The glycoalkaloid tomatine has been shown to inhibit human cancer cells in vitro but its concentration in tomatoes depends on the ripeness.