Activity‐based sensing in living cells and plants

Fluorogenic Probe for Monitoring Ethylene

Opto-Electrochemical Quantification of Plankton
Tandem acid titration and microscopic optical imaging of phytoplankton coccoliths

Overcoming False Optical Activity
Interference leads to inaccurate Raman spectroscopic analysis of vitamin B12

The Chemical Content of Recycled Products
Chemical composition of household articles manufactured using either recycled or virgin materials analysed

Increasing the Selectivity of Porous Crystalline Materials
New material binds acetylene with unusual strength and allows for highly selective separation of acetylene from ethylene or carbon dioxid

Max von Laue – Furchtlos und Treu
Silvio R. Dahmen, Brazil, reviews a biography of Physics Nobel Laureate Max von Laue

Exploring Mars
2021 has already added three new Mars expeditions and hopes are high that the first humans will land on Mars in the 2030s

Energy at Your Fingertips: Transforming Sweat Lactate into Power
During sleep, biofuel cells continuously capture energy from human passive sweat

Guess the Chemist (116)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Sensor Detects Bad Breath
Rapid detection of hydrogen sulfide in real human breath