A new method that allows absolute temperature mapping with unmatched accuracy shows promise for biomedical applications

Noninvasive and Accurate

Sniffer Dog on a Chip
Highly sensitive nanosensor array allows detection of TNT down to 0.1 part per trillion

Going With the Flow
Observation of single ions passing through a nanotube channel could herald more sensitive detectors or new desalination systems

Chocolate – The Noblest Polymorphism II
Cocoa butter can crystallize into six forms, but only one has the noble surface sheen, the crisp hardness, and melts pleasantly in the mouth

Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Prize
This year's GDCh-FG-Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Prize 2010 is shared by Dr. A. Dreyer and Dr. M. Matzke

Probable Structures
Calculating NMR spectra could help organic chemists identify stereoisomers, according to work by theoretical chemists

150th Anniversary Weltkongress Chemie
KIT celebrates one of its most important historical events with an anniversary congress

3rd EuCheMS Congress – Impressive & Lively Event
The 3rd EuCheMS Congress in Nuremberg was an impressive and lively event. ChemViews brings you the highlights

Stellar Moisture
UV light is essential to the formation of water in the atmosphere of stars according the European Space Agency

Selectivity Determination Of Racemic Catalyst Mixtures – Poster Presentation
Christian Ebner from the group of Andreas Pfaltz, University of Basel, Switzerland, determines the selectivity of racemic catalyst mixtures by ESI-MS screening