An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Angew. Chem. 42/2010: Structures and Properties Out of the Ordinary
3rd Summer School on Chemistry History
Report on "On Atoms And Molecules: 150 Years After the Congress of Karlsruhe" Summer School, Logroño, Spain, July, 2010
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2010 was awarded to Wiley author Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi along with Richard Heck and Akira Suzuki
Tea Time
A cup of tea has many restorative and health benefits, but it all depeands on how you make your cuppa
Nobel Prize Quiz
Test your knowledge of the Nobel Prizes with our quiz
Nobel Prizes 2010
The 2010 Nobel Prizes have been awarded this week
Experiences from Seoul
What is a Post-Doc in Korea like? Eun Hea (Grace) Jho about her experiences
Mess-ter Comic – Can I Eat LAlMe2? I'm Hungry
A new comic series by Sophie Lin: In part 2 she depicts the highs and lows of her master’s training
Chocolate – The Noblest Polymorphism III
Klaus Roth takes the final look at chocolate, health, sex, and drugs as he asks - Chocolate, a healthy food?
Fertilizer Frauds
Measurement of the δ15N value of lettuces could provide a cheap, rough indicator of illicit synthetic fertilizer use in organic crops