Latest results of your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 – Voting Results October 1

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 – Voting Results September 24
Latest results of your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Nanoparticle-Based Breath Analyzer for Ethanol Sensing
Low-cost 3D-printed device with enzyme- and nanoparticle-based biosensor

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 – Voting Results September 17
Latest results of your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Jack D. Dunitz (1923 – 2021)
Well-known crystallographer passed away

Paramagnetic NMR Signals at Shifts over 10,000 ppm
Iron complex with PNP pincer ligand shows record chemical shifts

Angewandte Chemie 38/2021: Continuous Flow
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 – Voting Results September 10
Latest results of your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021
Make your predictions for the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

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