Xiaoming Feng, Laurent Maron, Hsiang-Rong Tseng, and François P. Gabbaï, are interviewed this month

Angewandte Author Profiles

Past President of IUPAC on the IYC 2011
For the first time in the 100-year history of the IUPAC, the worldwide chemistry community will be celebrating the achievements of chemistry

Atomic Weights Revised
Atomic weights of 10 elements to be revised to reflect their natural abundances. Elements with a single isotope will not change

Crystallographic Confusion
Two bond or not two bond? That is a question of X-ray crystal structure interpretation, especially for cyclobutadiene

Landfill Leachate ̶ A Dangerous Liquid
When landfill waste degrades and rain rinses the resulting products out, a black liquid and toxic leachate is formed

Nanopores Identify Modified DNA Bases
New solid-state nanopore technique is sensitive enough to distinguish hydroxymethylcytosine from methylcytosine

Micro Test Kit for Cholera
Direct, label-free detection of cholera toxin is now possible thanks to the development of microfluidics analytical device in Italy

Improved Li Batteries
The world’s smallest battery, with an anode of a single nanowire, has been created inside a TEM to study its charging in detail

Do As Bacteria Exist?
The discovery of bacteria with arsenic-based DNA has been reported, and questioned ...

Angewandte Chemie 50/2010: Looking Back and Ahead
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition