What is a Post-Doc in Paris like? Tibiriçá Gonçalves Vasconcelos talks about new experiences in his Blog. Part 5

Blog: Post-doc in Paris 5

Angewandte's Top Authors
Authors who published 20 or more articles in Angewandte Chemie between 2000 and 2010, and the countries they come from

Wonderlab Comic — Safety Policy
A new comic series by Sophie Lin: Sophie and her lab mate disagree over correct safety procedures in the lab

Watching Protein Folding with LC-MS
Fast chemical reaction and LC-MS could unlock the secrets of protein folding by taking snapshots of folding in action

Gold and DNA Join Forces to Detect Mercury
Ultrasensitive mercury detection made possible with gold nanowire-on-film surface-enhanced Raman sensor

Unitary Patent Protection in the EU
Commission opens the way for some Member States to move forward on a unitary patent

Oligomannosides and the HIV Antibody
NMR study of interactions between oligomannosides and HIV-1 antibody in solution could have impact on vaccine design

Recycling Water with Aquifer Recharge
Quality of water treated using managed aquifer recharge shown to be of near potable quality

Identification of Heavy-Metals in Wastewater
Colorimetric array based on sol-gel membrane identifies trace metal ions at wastewater discharge concentrations

Happy Birthday Angewandte Chemie!
2011 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Angewandte Chemie International Edition