Selected Wiley-VCH chemistry journals now available for browsing on screen
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Thirdhand Smoke — Big Health Hazard
Nicotine interacts with ozone, in indoor air, to form potentially toxic pollutants on surfaces like cellulose, cotton, and paper
Blog: Post-doc in Paris 5
What is a Post-Doc in Paris like? Tibiriçá Gonçalves Vasconcelos talks about new experiences in his Blog. Part 5
Angewandte's Top Authors
Authors who published 20 or more articles in Angewandte Chemie between 2000 and 2010, and the countries they come from
Wonderlab Comic — Safety Policy
A new comic series by Sophie Lin: Sophie and her lab mate disagree over correct safety procedures in the lab
Watching Protein Folding with LC-MS
Fast chemical reaction and LC-MS could unlock the secrets of protein folding by taking snapshots of folding in action
Gold and DNA Join Forces to Detect Mercury
Ultrasensitive mercury detection made possible with gold nanowire-on-film surface-enhanced Raman sensor
Unitary Patent Protection in the EU
Commission opens the way for some Member States to move forward on a unitary patent
Oligomannosides and the HIV Antibody
NMR study of interactions between oligomannosides and HIV-1 antibody in solution could have impact on vaccine design
Recycling Water with Aquifer Recharge
Quality of water treated using managed aquifer recharge shown to be of near potable quality