Spectroscopy shows that environmental conditions must be considered when interpreting the chemistry of teeth and bones from an archeological dig

Archeological Warning

World Metrology Day 2011
The 2011 message – chemical measurements for our life, our future – builds upon the IYC 2011 theme

How to Poison Honeybees
Honeybees might imbibe a toxic dose of insecticide from tiny dropletsthat form on seedlings from coated seeds

3D Pictures of Nanomaterials
New method for revealing a 3D picture of the structure inside a material down to nanometer resolution

Angewandte Chemie 22/2011 – Many Faces of Radicals
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Red Mud Disaster in Hungary
Besides health and environmental impacts, processing into valuable products is a topic related to the red mud

Quality of Dutch Chemical Research
Evaluation of quality of science performed within the Chemistry Departments at Dutch universities in the period 2001–2009

Chemical Sensors for Hydrogen
Hydrogen sensing method that is low-cost, reliable, repeatable, and highly sensitive is lithography-free but nanogap-based

Spectroscopically Enhancing Nanopillars
Bunches of nanopillars formed on gold-coated gallium nitride could improve the detection of biomolecules at low concentration

Chemical Weapon Threat Detector
Reactant that changes color enables detection of nerve-agent mimics and identification of the nerve gas