Hans-Dieter Arndt, Flemming Besenbacher, Vincent L. Pecoraro, and Emmanuel Lacôte, are interviewed this month
Angewandte Author Profiles July
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Comment from Attendee
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Comment from Attendee
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Prof. Xu Huaping
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Prof. Xu Huaping
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Prof. Shuai Zhigang
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Comment from Attendee
Do Humans Have a Magnetic Sense?
New findings on light-dependent magnetosensing potential of humans may lead to a renewed interest in sensory biology
Detecting Cancer with AFM
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is showing promise as a probe of cancer
Diamonds are for Electrodes
A tiny analytical device fabricated entirely from diamond could be used to measure hydrodynamic flow in electroanalytical applications
Purification of Drinking Water by Sand
Nanocoated sand shows five times the filtering capacity of regular sand in removing mercury and a dye molecule from water
Novel Pyrotechnic Flare Protect Aircraft
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)/KClO4 pyrolant system gives aricraft better protection against missile seekers
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Comment from Attendee
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Comment from Attendee