Venus’ newly discovered ozone layer may help in the search for life on other planets
Ozone Layer Discovered on Venus
Angewandte Chemie 42/2011: High Throughput and Efficiency
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
New Sensor for Folic Acid and Antineoplastic Folates
Receptor cheaply and quickly sensing folate anions in water could help determine the anticancer role of folic acid
Angewandte Author Profiles October
Michael Krische, Hans-Joachim Freund, Jun Okuda, and Eric Kool are interviewed this month
Folding Solution
First experiments to hint at the mechanism of hydration of hydrophobic polymers could lead to understanding of protein folding
Fertilizer Help Spread Deadly Bacteria In Groundwater
High phosphate levels allow a deadly strain of Escherichia coli to pass through soil
One Room – 63 Different Dust Particles
Trapping and characterization of 63 different dust particles has allowed US researchers to build a dust library for health and environmental research
EUROanalysis: Cutting-Edge Analytical Chemistry in Belgrade
The EUROanalysis conference in Belgrade was full of cutting-edge chemistry and some hot, new dance moves
Metrohm & FOSS Strategic Alliance
Metrohm to become the sole global distributor of FOSS NIR (near infrared)
Austrian Chemistry Days
Internationally renowned speakers, outstanding young Austrian award winner, society cooperations in Linz, Austria