A graphene–phospholipid nanocomposite acts as a biosensor when it is loaded with a redox-active enzyme

Enzyme in a Bed of Graphene

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Final Voting Results Wednesday 10 October
Final summary of results for ChemistryViews readers likely and unlikely, serious and whimsical suggestions for Nobel Prize winners

University World Ranking 2012 by TimesHE
The Times Higher Education University Ranking places Caltech in the top spot with the Univeristy of Oxford and Stanford joint second

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 5 October
Latest results for the predictions for the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Water and Its Sustainable Management in Latin America
Six Latin-American partners in an international project discuss what is going on in Latin America in terms of sustainable water management

Social Media in Sciences – Interview with P. Smith, Agilent Technologies
Paul Smith, Agilent Technologies, UK, shares his experiences and benefits of using social media in sciences

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Growing Crystals Part 2
Patience, luck, and no small amount of skill are required to grow the perfect crystal for X-ray diffraction. Maximize your chances of getting that elusive crystal

Wonderlab Comic – UV Lamp
Sophie and Gin-Jo are given a new project to work on in the Wonderlab, which leads to Gin-Jo unraveling the mysteries of the UV lamp

Nobel Prize Trends
Which country produced the most Nobel Laureates? How old is a typical Laureate? And is it taking longer for discoveries to be recognized?

Enhancing Enhancement
A statistical approach can extract signals dynamically from Surface Enhanced Raman Spectra (SERS) of nanoparticles