Elevated levels of proteins, essential amino acids, and unsaturated fatty acids make rice bean an excellent nutrient

Rice Bean: An Excellent Nutrient

Preserving Wine Quality
Phenolic glycosides can be used to identify grapes exposed to smoke and prevent the production of bad-quality wines

145th Birthday: Theodore William Richards
Theodore W. Richards provided accurate masses for 30 elements, the first experimental evidence of isotopes; answer to Guess the Chemist (13)

Most Accessed Articles: December 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for December 2012

Squeezing MOFs
X-ray diffraction reveals how a single crystal of a metal-organic framework compound behaves under pressure

Chemistry in Theatre
Carl Djerassi's latest book, Chemistry in Theatre, is reviewed by Stefan Böschen, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany

Quick and Selective H2S Detection
A ratiomeric fluorescent probe allows the rapid and selective detection of hydrogen sulfide in mitochondria

Optogenetics – Revolutionizing Biochemistry
Optogenetic reporters, one of the most important tools of optogenetics, are introduced and latest findings summarized

Extended Portfolio of New Services for Chemists
Wiley acquires assets of FIZ Chemie Berlin Germany

Wonderlab Comic – Happiness in Hard Times
Wonderlab looks at the sacrifices and rewards of being a chemist in order to find some happiness when times are tough