Are graphene oxide production methods interchangeable? A study into their cytotoxicity examines this dilemma

Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide

Wonderlab Comic – Save My Phone!
Richpunzel resorts to extreme measures to dry her new phone after an accident

Dr. Kathrin Lange: Interview with the Wilhelm-Ostwald Newcomer Award Winner 2012
Kathrin Lange won the Newcomer Award for her work on a membrane-free spectrometer for liquids. She talks about her research and future plans

Guess the Chemist (17)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Keeping Track of Internalization
A DNA-based sensor signals the internalization of proteins and nanoparticles into live cells

Picture Competition – A Year in the Lab: The Chemist’s View
Submit your outstanding photo and have the chance to be selected for a calendar and win one of 12 exciting prizes

Threaded through a Pore
Single-molecule detection of hydroxymethylcytosine in DNA by threading DNA through a membrane-embedded protein pore

X-Rayed Water Spills Secrets
X-ray Raman spectroscopy reveals new insights into a critical chemical discovery from the nineteenth century

Phosphonous Acid Ligands
Steric and electronic properties of chlorophosphite ligands have been studied by using multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography

Catalyst Atoms in Nanowires
Silicon nanowires can be doped with surprisingly high amounts of aluminium during their growth